On these civil holidays, there will be only one Mass in the entire family of parishes at 9:00AM in the church location that is assigned to that day. We look forward to bringing the entire Family of Parishes together for Liturgy on civil holidays. This is a wonderful opportunity to worship together, and to grow together in our relationship with the Lord
This new ministry is open to parishioners from all our churches.
Meetings will be held on the 1st Saturday of the month at 10am at St. Ann in the Trinity Rooms. (Park in the back lot behind the school building.)
All are welcome! No experience needed!
Love in Action is one of the six pillars of the Beacons of Light initiative. The goal of Love in Action is to seek ways to recognize the human dignity of each person, created in the image and likeness of God. This demands special attention to the poor and vulnerable, including the unborn and their parents, the stranger, the elderly, sick, imprisoned, marginalized, persons with disabilities, and persons of all ethnicities and cultures. Among our parish family, there are several ministries who host events to support one or more of these above listed groups. These groups include St. Vincent de Paul, Christian Outreach, Legion of Mary, L.I.F.E. Ministries, and Respect Life. As you know, one of the goals of Beacons of Light is to bring people together to form larger, more vibrant parishes. Joining forces in ministry work is a critical aspect to not only meeting this goal, but to extend our ability to help others. Over the past several months, the SVDP conferences of our family have been working collaboratively. Last week, members of St. Ann Respect Life, Christian Outreach, and St. James L.I.F.E. Ministries came together to discuss the many ways they currently provide support. Effective immediately, members of St. Ann Respect Life and St. James L.I.F.E. Ministries have formed the Mary, Queen of Heaven Respect Life Ministry.
6:30 p.m.
Proceeds benefit JOY Ministry –which provides outreach for seniors and shut-ins across the parish family. Only $25 per ticket -
Contact St. Ann Parish Office for tickets
Call 513-521-8440 or email—info@saintannparish,org
Don’t know Bunco! It’s easy to learn and fun for all. Come with a group of friends or by yourself. There will be appetizers, desserts and drinks.
St. Ann Gym
March 4, 2025
The evening will start with a prayer service and burning of the palms. Dinner to follow.
Chicken & drinks provided.
Families with last names beginning with:
A-F, bring a dessert
G-L, bring a casserole
M-Z, bring a side dish or salad
Kids games!
Face Painting!