Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Holy Family Room. We begin at 10AM.
Share your talents and volunteer!
Each of us is blessed with talents and below are some of the Ministries you can join to share them. St. MM invites you to check any Ministry you may be interested in and return this form to the Parish Office!
Liturgical Ministries Ministries of Care, Guidance & Service
Lectors Marriage
Eucharistic Minister Bereavement
Altar Servers St. Vincent DePaul
Cross Bearer Prayer Ministries
Ushers & Greeters Prayer Chain
Sacristan Rosary Group
Music Ministry Vocation Cup
Sunday Mass Choir Leadership Ministries
Contemporary Music Group Parish Council
Funeral Choir Finance Commission
Faith Formation Communications Commission
Book Club Buildings and Grounds
Parish School Religion (P.S.R.)
Order of Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.)
Casino Night
MEGA Raffles
Basket Raffles
Game Night
Mardi Gras
Easter Egg Scramble
e-mail address________________________________________________
Phone #______________________________________________________
For more information about our Parish ministries and volunteer opportunities visit: