Hello Prospective Families,
Thank you so much for your interest in Our Lady of Grace. We are excited to get to know you and your child through the assessment process. Please use this link to sign up for a Kindergarten assessment.
There is required paperwork to assess your child. You can drop this off early at OLG in the black mailbox located next to the door or email them directly to [email protected].
We prefer to receive this before your child's assessment:
Birth Certificate
While your child is assessed we welcome you to wait in our faculty lounge and to complete the Ed Choice Scholarship application, if applying. To apply you will need to bring the following:
Recent Proof of address.
1.) The first full page of a utility bill - gas/electric, water, internet. The state will not accept cell phone bills. The service and mailing address must match with your name.
2.) A monthly mortgage statement OR full, signed lease agreement AND one official document with your address on it- bank statement, credit card bill, letter from insurance or state, etc.
If you are interested, we offer tours of OLG. Please use the link provided to sign up if interested.
Questions, contact Kate Romanello-Jones at [email protected] or 513-931-3070 ext 252.
Our Lady of Grace is a K–8 regional school formed by and supported by the covenant parishes of St. Ann, Assumption, Little Flower and St. Margaret Mary.
Tuition for St. Margaret Mary parishioner students who attend Our Lady of Grace is subsidized by the parish when the family is registered and active members of
St. Margaret Mary parish.
Visit the OLG website for up-to-date information about the current school year.