First Communion (St. B): 2/12, (St. A): 2/18
First Communion
St. Margaret Mary: Sunday, April 27 at 10:00am
St. Bernard: Sunday, May 4th – Mass time TBD
St. Ann: Sat/Sun, May 3 & 4 – all Masses
St. James: Sat, May 3rd – 4:30 pm Mass
First Communion Retreats
St. Bernard, Sat., April 12 morning
St. Ann campus, Tues, April 29 evening
If you are interested in receiving any of the Sacraments, contact the parish office, (513) 521-7387 to make arrangements.
Baptisms of infants and children under the age of seven are scheduled after the parents have participated in a preparation class. This class is scheduled with the Faith Formation Director as requested by the parents. Expectant parents are encouraged to participate in this class before the birth of the child.
Preparation for First Communion takes place for baptized Catholics ordinarily at the age of seven, usually in the second grade. Its celebration is normally scheduled during the Easter season. It is expected that an individual be in a faith formation program for at least one year prior to receiving their First Communion.
The celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally scheduled on Saturday afternoons from 2-2:30 pm, or by appointment by calling the parish office,
(513) 521-7387.
Catechesis for this Sacrament begins in second grade and a parish celebration of First Reconciliation takes place at the Parish Penance Service during Advent.
Parish penance services take place during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly or every other year, depending on the need, for baptized Catholics age 12 or older. It is expected that the candidate for Confirmation be in a faith formation program that includes the participation of their parents or guardians and the Confirmation sponsor.
Engaged couples — of whom one is a Catholic and a registered member of
St. Margaret Mary parish — should contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance of desired wedding date to make an appointment to meet with the pastor or his delegate. A date for the wedding will be set only after this initial interview.
Participation in designated preparation programs, FOCCUS and an Archdiocesan Pre-Cana Program are prerequisites for the celebration of marriage as required by the Archdiocese and parish guidelines.
The instrument/tool for marriage preparation, FOCCUS (Facilitating Ongoing Couple, Communication, Understanding and Study), is provided through a meeting with one of the volunteer married couples from the marriage ministry of St. Margaret Mary Parish. The administration, meeting and discussion of the FOCCUS usually takes place in the married couple's home. The discussion of the FOCCUS helps to identify strengths and concerns for the engaged couple
Anointing of the Sick is to be received by those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. It is also intended for anyone before surgery whenever a serious illness is the reason for the surgery. Individuals or family members should contact the Parish Office, (513) 521-7387 to make arrangements.
Holy Orders are conferred upon men who are called to the ordained ministry in the Church, usually by the Archbishop. There is a period of discernment and preparation both ministerial and academic before someone is called to Holy Orders, whether for the deaconate or the priesthood.
If you are interested or know someone who might be a worthy candidate, you can contact the Parish Office (513) 521-7387. You may also contact the Archdiocesan Vocation Office for more information at (513) 421-3131.